Kamis, 04 November 2010

Strengthen Costumer and Supplier Intimacy

Globalization era made company compete to satisfy the stakeholder and increase their value. Therefore the company must develop their relationship with the costumer and also with the supplier. By good relationship with costumer, the company can increase their costumer then the profit also will increase. The company has to serve the costumer the best service cause, all of us know the companies password “the costumer is king”. This password describe that the company has to give the best service to costumer and make manage their costumer relationship it called CRM (costumer relationship management). The example is so many, one of it we can see like Nokia done as one of cell-phone corporate. They have costumer service in all districts to serve the costumer and handle the problem and complain with their product (cell-phone), or the service can be provided by using the websites to connect with all of costumer. And also the other example like what done by all of bank with providing the ATM to make the costumer easy to access their money everywhere. By using this technology the costumers don’t need to go to bank office to take their money.

The company also needs to improve their relationship with the supplier, without the supplier, the company cannot operate well, because they need material for their manufacturing. While the company has worst communication with the supplier, of course the material difficult to get. The supplier relationship management (SRM) is important to all company, because they need the supplies from supplier to produce the product, without supplies the production can pursued at last the company doesn’t has the product to sell and cannot get enough profit for their company. The company can use information system to give the supplier direct access to company’s production schedule and how to ship supplies or when to ship the supplies. Those methods are used by Toyota and Ford. By using those methods the company can receive the supplies as well as they need to produce

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