Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Customer relationship management (CRM) by using social media: Facebook

Customer relationship management (CRM) now is very widely-implemented by all companies around the world, this strategy used for managing the interactions between companies and it costumer, client and sales prospect. This strategy involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes—principally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support. And the overall goals are to find, attract, and win new clients, nurture and retain those the company already has, entice former clients back into the fold, and reduce the costs of marketing and client service.
There are many methods to connect and attract with the costumer, one of them is social media. Social media sites like Twitter, and Facebook are amplifying the voice of people in the marketplace and are having profound and far-reaching effects on the ways in which people buy. Now people can know all about company only from social media. When the want to make decision to buy, they don’t need to contacting the company. And also people use the social media to share with other about product of company and give recommendation for other, and the social media used by company to accept the complaint from the costumer, solve the problem from costumer about the product, and give the best product service for the costumer by using social media.
By using social media, the company can keep in touch with their costumer, as we know that almost all people now use social media intently. This can be a way to make intimacy better between company and the costumer. This is a step to get competitive advantages from the other competitors.
Some analysts take the view that business-to-business marketers should proceed cautiously when weaving social media into their business processes. These observers recommend careful market research to determine if and where the phenomenon can provide measurable benefits for client interactions, sales and support.
There are many examples that use the social media as a part to keep connect and attract with their costumers, one of them is ACER Indonesia. Acer use social media to promote their new product, gives any suggestions for the costumers, and promotes new news about event that can be followed by all user of Acer notebook. Not only that Acer also uses social media to answer the question from user and gives them problem solving.


Bullwhip effect is a term that used in inventory. This term define how the fluctuation of demand in a supply chain. Supply chain is a network that used by organizations or business for procuring raw materials, transforming those materials into intermediate and the last into finished products and distributing the finished products to costumer. Back to bullwhip effect, concept of bullwhip effect is a situation that occurs in supply chain which the demands of costumer are change, either increase or decrease, this change causes distorted demand from each stage of supply chain. This distortion generates effects for all stage of supply chain that is the inaccuracy in demand.
The company effort to avoid bullwhip effect, as what done by PT PERTAMINA this company has good example in avoiding bullwhip effect, they effort to have a good connection from upstream to downstream, so that they can manage availability and fulfill the need of fuel at all district in Indonesia. If the company cannot manage good connection, this can make asymmetry information among company, upstream and downstream. Then the needs to fuel from all kinds of activities cannot be fulfilled and the scarcity of fuel will be occurred. The fuel is a crucial thing in economic activities, if PT PERTAMINA cannot manage well, the economic activities will be died.
This is an urgency to develop a good connection among upstream and downstream to avoid bullwhip effect.

Sabtu, 27 November 2010


The computer has hardware which integrated each other and work together to support information system in organization. Computer has infrastructure composed of five major components. Those components must be coordinated with each other. The five major are:
• Computer hardware, computer hardware consists of technology for computer processing data storage input and output. This component includes large mainframe, servers, desktop and laptop computer etc.
• Computers software, includes both system software and application software. System software manages the resources and activities of the computer. Application software applies the computer to a specific task for an end user
• Data management technology, data management software organizes, manages, processes business data
• Networking and telecommunications technology, includes providing data, voice, and video connectivity to employees, costumers and suppliers.
• Technology services, business need the people to operate the other infrastructures
Computers come in an array of size wit differing capabilities for processing information from the smallest handheld devices to the largest mainframes and supercomputers. Types of computer are:
• Personal computer, computer which use in the small business with sufficient features.
• Workstation, computer for doing advanced design and engineering work requiring powerful graphics or computational capabilities.
• Mainframe, large capacity computer, high-performance computer that can process large amounts of data very rapidly
• Super computer, specially designed and more sophisticated computer that is use for task requiring extremely rapid and complex calculations with thousand variables

2. Computer software
In order to use computer hardware we need software. System software and application software are interrelated and can be thought of as a set of nested boxes, each of which must interact closely with the other boxes surrounding it. The system software that manages and controls the computer’s activities is called the operating system. Such windows, unix, linux and macintosh operating system.

Managers and information system specialist need to pay special attention to hardware capacity planning and scalability to ensure that the firm has enough computing power for its current and future needs. The total cost of ownership of the organization’s technology assets includes not only the original cost of computer hardware and software but also cost for hardware and software upgrades, maintenance, technical support and training, including the cost of managing and maintaining mobile devices.

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Strengthen Costumer and Supplier Intimacy

Globalization era made company compete to satisfy the stakeholder and increase their value. Therefore the company must develop their relationship with the costumer and also with the supplier. By good relationship with costumer, the company can increase their costumer then the profit also will increase. The company has to serve the costumer the best service cause, all of us know the companies password “the costumer is king”. This password describe that the company has to give the best service to costumer and make manage their costumer relationship it called CRM (costumer relationship management). The example is so many, one of it we can see like Nokia done as one of cell-phone corporate. They have costumer service in all districts to serve the costumer and handle the problem and complain with their product (cell-phone), or the service can be provided by using the websites to connect with all of costumer. And also the other example like what done by all of bank with providing the ATM to make the costumer easy to access their money everywhere. By using this technology the costumers don’t need to go to bank office to take their money.

The company also needs to improve their relationship with the supplier, without the supplier, the company cannot operate well, because they need material for their manufacturing. While the company has worst communication with the supplier, of course the material difficult to get. The supplier relationship management (SRM) is important to all company, because they need the supplies from supplier to produce the product, without supplies the production can pursued at last the company doesn’t has the product to sell and cannot get enough profit for their company. The company can use information system to give the supplier direct access to company’s production schedule and how to ship supplies or when to ship the supplies. Those methods are used by Toyota and Ford. By using those methods the company can receive the supplies as well as they need to produce

Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

e government

Electronic governance or e-Government is the use of information technology by government to provide information and services for residents, business affairs, and the Another thing with regard to governance.
Another definition of reference

"Electronic government, or "e-government," is the process of transacting business between the public and government through the use ofautomated systems and the Internet network, more commonly referred to as the World Wide Web."

as a new advance of the government, this is very good, as we knew almost of all department in governmental used the information media to help them work better. like what practiced by Banda Aceh government. They have a website,This website describes the profile of banda aceh, education, culture, tourism, and others which is very beneficial for society, especially in this era of globalization. Where each individual in the require to be able to operate the information technology that is triggered by the rapid growth of information technology, especially technology. and of course with this website it will really help the government in disseminating various government regulations, and as a means of public service by making a suggestion box that contains information about the complaints that people feel good with government services, as well as with existing facilities in the area. but it can also become a means of promoting local tourism, not only in the country, even around the world. This is because the Internet can be accessed by all people in the world.

World Bank define e-Government as below:

"E-Government refers to the use by government agencies of information technologies (such as Wide Area Networks, the Internet, and mobile computing) that have the ability to transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government."
in the other side, UNDP (United Nation Development Programme) define:

"E-government is the application of Information and Communicat-ion Technology (ICT) by government agencies."

Meanwhile, a leading software vendor SAP has such a definition is quite unique, namely:

"E-government is a global reform movement to promote Internet use by government agencies and everyone who deals with them."

Janet Caldow, director of the Institute for Electronic Government (IBM Corporation) of the study along with the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, gave an interesting definition, namely:

"Electronic government is nothing short of a fundamental transformation of government and governance at a scale we have not witnessed since the beginning of the industrial era."

Also interesting definition put forward by Jim Flyzik (U.S. Department of Treasury) when interviewed by Price WaterhouseCoopers, which defines relevant:

"E-government is about bringing the government into the world of the Internet, and work on Internet time."

E-Government is the use of information technology, which is very useful in keeping the relationship between the government and the public or other parties. as a result of using this system arise many new relationships between others: G2C (Government to Citizen), G2B (Government to Business Enterprises) and G2G (inter-agency relationship).
E-Government can be implemented in different ways. Examples include:
  • Provision of information, especially information that is often sought by the public. This information can be obtained directly from the government offices, from the info kiosk (information kiosk), or from the Internet (which can be accessed by the public wherever it is located).
  • E-procurement where the government can conduct on-line tender and transparent.
E-Government brings many benefits, among others:
  1. Service better service to the community.
  2. Improving the relationship between government, business, and the general public.
  3. Community empowerment through information that is easy to obtain. Given sufficient information, the public will learn to be able to determine his choice.
  4. Implementation of a more efficient government

How to Book airasia Ticket

The first of all is we have to Log in to and select the our State Indonesia and the Indonesian language. In the upper left there will be booking order and choose search for flight, than the ticket order form online showed, select whether to a one-way or go-home. Select your Departure and Destination, and we have to make sure everything was right. Select the your date of departure and return. Enter the number of guest and the baby, children over 2 years of full pay, baby infant. After all data has been ENTERED, just click on "Search". There Will Be 2 types of flight in the morning and evening. After that check the approval and regulation AirAsia flight and click "Continue". At this stage we are asked to fill Full Name, Date of Birth, Passport . Then click "Continue to choose the Chair" or "Without Choosing a Chair. The next step is to choose the type of payment. First both visacredit card or Mastercard. second, with the direct debit.